.............................................................TRAPPED INSIDE A WORLD UNDER LEAGUES OF OCEAN........................................................

Saturday, September 17, 2011

movies: jack brooks: monster slayer (2007)

Now if this isn't an old-school piece of gory, hilarious fun, I don't know what is.

JB:MS is a Canadian-produced horror flick that is incredibly entertaining, and while it isn't overly original, and runs a tad too long, it doesn't take itself too seriously and is a hell of a good time. It's refreshing to see a horror movie that is self-aware without being SELF-AWARE (if that makes any sense).

Instead of merely overcoming its budgetary limitations, the film is more endearing for them. Loads of unpretentious fun, practical effects (no CGI here, baby, which in itself is laudable) and a patently Canadian vibe of understated comedy, this is destined to become a cult classic, and one that I'll drunkenly revisit for years to come.

If every Hallowe'en you throw on Demons - either of them (not counting the later, most tenuously attached entries), Night of the Demons (any of the three), Night of the Creeps, Slither, or Evil Dead (again, any of the three), while putting on your costume, you can now officially add Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer to the list of mandatory autumn viewage. Bonus points for best head bashing-in scene since Irreversible, best use of duct-tape (as a bandage), and Robert "Don't call me Freddy" Englund.

Turn up the good...

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